The 1.61 billion dollar Montreal Olympic Stadium was originally built for the 1976 Olympic Games but since than the stadium had been disregarded by pretty much everyone except for skateboarders and for one reason only. The Montreal Olympic Stadium was home to one of North Americas most iconic skate spots, known today as the Big-O. Since the late 1980’s skateboarders were grounds keepers of the spot. In 2011, plans to expand and renovate the stadium were going to cause the spot to be demolished. When the landlord and owners of the stadium found out that multiple books and a documentary were creating a buzz around the world in an attempt to keep the spot, they had no choice but to dig up the entire 35,000 pound pipe and move it 25 meters to a safer location. It’s always cool to see a group of like minded individuals accomplish something of great value, which is why Team Pain is paying homage to the structure by implementing our very own Big-O at the soon to be completed Golden, CO skate park!! Check out the photos of where we are at now with the project and the photos of the original Big-O below! Stay tuned to see this sick skate park unfold!!!!!